Thursday, June 27, 2013

It's Not Well...

I can't sing the words anymore...

It's not well with my soul...

Not if by saying it is well I am saying that my soul is well due to the brutal death that Jesus suffered. 

Jesus didn't pay for my sin with his body and blood. 

Yet the song goes on. It goes on. Voices strong singing the words written for a generation gone by. 

Do people not think of the words they are singing?

Do they believe those words to be true?

And maybe for them the words are true. Maybe God speaks to them through those words. 

But the reality for me... I'm not there. 

The good news...? I know it's ok. 

There you's ok with my soul. It's's ok with my soul. 

The God I worship doesn't mind that I don't sing those words. The God I worship doesn't mind that I struggle. Actually, the God I worship encourages the struggle...embraces it...encourages it. 

It's ok. It's ok with my soul.