Thursday, May 10, 2018

Church... I love you!

This is the letter that was shared as one of the testimonies in worship on Sunday, May 6.

I thought I would take the Apostle Paul’s lead, and craft and present to you a letter - from me, to you.

Timoth, devoted follower of Jesus,  humble servant of Christ Jesus,

To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Rumford, with friends and members of the faith family that is Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ.
Grace and peace to you.

Grace and peace to you in the name of Jesus, who through his radical teachings and his modeling of extravagant welcome provides for us all an experience of unconditional love. In the name of our Creator God and God’s Most Holy Spirit, the unseen, that flows within and around us all.

I thank my God every time I remember you.

Now, I’m not just saying this… I truly am thankful for each and every one of you. For through you I have been blessed. My family has been blessed. God has been at work in and through you since before I arrived. And will continue with you long after I am gone. 

(ok, just a parenthetical note here - please don’t take that last line to mean that I am considering leaving. I take very seriously the consideration that Nancy Gage presented to me the night of my first interview with the search committee. While touring the buildings we found ourselves in the Narthex - or the entryway - admiring the portraits of several of Newman UCC’s former pastors. I remarked how wonderful it would be to come back to this place which at the time was a mere 370 years old, how wonderful it would be to come back in 30 years for the 400th anniversary. To which Nancy questioned; “what do you mean ‘come back?’” Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere)

I shared with our search committee in the beginning and I share it again with you now. I have never felt a stronger sense of call to ministry than I do in this place. And together, we have accomplished great things.

And yes, it hasn’t always been easy. During my time with you we have seen, and moved through, significant conflict. Some of that conflict brought about due to the mere understanding of how it is that God has created me to be. 

And what we have learned in the process echoes the understanding found in the words of the great theologian, Kelly Clarkson - “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

We are stronger. To quote another great theologian, Pat Trodson; “We are not what we once were - and we are more what we should be.”

The conflict we have navigated came on the heels of some of the most joyful moments in my life, and in our shared experience.

You were there with us as Peter and I stood on this very spot and celebrated our marriage, finally legal in all 50 states although I would be remiss if I didn’t name that Rhode Island was one of the first to pass this justice-filled legislation.

You were there to celebrate the day with us. And just over a week later, you were there when we adopted our first son, Jacob.

You were there when our family grew by two more, when we adopted Adrian and William. And now, as we open our hearts and our lives to other children, you have been and are now there for us as we foster these children.

Who wouldn’t be thankful for a community filled with aunts and uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers all willing to share in the nurturing of these children… and of course, in the holding of the baby?

I thank God for those moments and for the role this church played in it all. The outpouring of love was a testament to who you are and how it is that you are living your faith in this place.

And I believe, the bond we created in those moments helped us to navigate the treacherous landscape that was about to become our reality.

For many of you know that following our wedding and Jacob’s adoption, the waters became a bit rough and our faith family began to divide. 

I would skip right over this portion of our shared history if it weren’t for the fact that it was in the midst of it all that I saw how strong you were in your faith. I saw how it was, and is now, that Jesus’ life and teachings mattered to you… mattered so much that you embodied them.

Many of you in that time spoke the truth with love, even if it meant naming the unhealthy behavior of others who were dear friends.

Because of your witness, God’s church in this place has been able to thrive.

I give thanks for the ways in which God guided you, guided us to the place we are now… through shared wisdom and prayer, love and mercy, we have grown in our faith and in our witness to the world of what it means to be true followers of Jesus.

As I look at you now, you are a new church. We are a new church, more closely reflecting (I believe) that which God has envisioned for us.

We have taken Jesus’ commandments and breathed them down into our very being.

Our love of God is apparent - in our worship, our shared ministries, our dedication to one another and to this place. We live it when we celebrate the sacraments of baptism and communion, accepting God’s invitation to community and welcoming others in.

And our love of Neighbor abounds.
Hygiene Kits and Clean Up buckets
Eggs for Haiti
Blankets for victims of Domestic Violence
Blessing Bags
Soup Kitchen
The Bread of Life Food Pantry
Aids Care Ocean State
Hospice Care of Rhode Island
Back Bay Missions
Haiti Clinic Medical Staff
Summer Youth Mission Trips
Collations following funerals and Memorial Services

(If I weren’t writing this to you in the form of a letter, I would step down from the pulpit and invite each of you to add to this list as I’m sure I have missed many of the ways in which we live out our commandment to love our neighbors. But alas, this is a letter and not a sermon so you will have to do that work on your own - taking a moment to think of the ways in which you have seen our shared work live out our faith in our community, our nation and around the world.)

One other way that I can name as to how it is we live out our love of neighbor is through our denominational support.

Of the roughly 5,000 congregations in the United Church of Christ, our financial support for the work of the church locally and globally through our commitment to Our Church’s Wider Mission ($33,000 budgeted for this year - which is actually down about $13,000 from previous years) - this commitment puts us in the top 1% of churches based on our level of support.

God continues to do great things through you. Lives are blessed because of you. And I thank God for you.

I thank God for the invitation you have extended to me to participate in your lives and in some of the most sacred, most intimate of moments. 

I have baptized your children.
I have buried your loved ones.
I have sat at your bedside in hospitals and hospice.
I have listened as you’ve cried.
And I have rejoiced with you as you celebrate.

And with each of these experiences, if I have not named it already let me name it now… I am honored to be your pastor. I am honored to be invited into these moments where we name God’s presence and lean heavily on our faith with an understanding that we are not alone in that which we encounter.

Church - I love you!

I love you! It’s not something I often say from the pulpit so I write it in this letter. 

I love you for the many ways you accompany me on my journey. For the many ways you engage with the various crazy ideas I present. Drive Thru Ashes as but one of many examples.

I love you for never giving up… on me, on one another, on this church… I love you for never giving up on God.

I love you for supporting me in my continuing education, growing in my own faith and leadership, growing in my understanding of what it is that God is calling me to be about in this place and in our community.

I love you for showing up.

I love you for your honesty.

I love you for your bravery, your commitment, your perseverance, your hospitality, your eagerness to learn, your ability to admit failure and to move on to new things.

I love you for living as God intends as best you are able.

So friends, know that there are an infinite number of words I could add to this letter showing how thankful I am that God has brought our lives alongside one another. Trust, if given the opportunity and the time, that I would love to sit with each of you and to hear in your own words how it is that you see God at work in your life. 

I know that God is. And God will continue to be faithful in that, entering into your life in truly spectacular ways.

This Thursday, as I give God thanks for 10 years of Ordained ministry, I will give thanks for this community as it is you who have helped to most fully form me in my understanding of who it is that God calls me to be… and subsequently, who it is that God is calling us to be as God’s church.

And for that I am also truly thankful.

Go forth and continue to testify to love. Proclaim Christ. Live the Gospel and assist in God’s great plan for healing and reconciliation.

God has begun a great work in you… and God will be faithful to complete it.

Thank you for inviting me into it all. 

I thank God for you daily.

Greet everyone you meet in the Spirit of Christ Jesus. And know that all of the Saints greet you.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.

For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love
I'l be a witness in the silences
When words are not enough
With every breath I take
I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live
I will testify to love