There are several words that get thrown around in our Christian often, in fact that we sometimes lose sight of what they truly mean.
And for those of you who know me well...(my favorite)...JOURNEY
Well, we are starting another one...another journey. This time it is an intentional journey through the season of Lent. Now for those who may think similarly to my (Catholic) father...yes, Lent is something that we observe in the United Church of Christ as well...because we too, are Christian.
So back to this journey. What does it mean to journey through a season in the church? Will we be going somewhere physically? Will we need to be mindful of those of us for whom physical movement is limited? Where will we begin? And the ultimate question... how far are we willing to go?
Journey, in this context, is more of a process than a physical trip. Our journey this Lent will take us on a spiritual path alongside this man Jesus. We will listen and watch closely as he goes about his ministry, teaching his Disciples, healing the crowds and ticking off the religious elite. We are invited to become a part of the story... to "walk" with Jesus and eavesdrop on his conversation, witness his work and try to figure out what it all means to us.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you that this journey is not going to be an easy one. The roads that Jesus travels are long, dark and dusty. And although he eludes to his destination a few times...ultimately, the journey will come to an the cross.
How far are we willing to go? Will we decide to test out the journey in the beginning as if we are simply putting our toes in the water before taking the plunge? Will we engage with Jesus for a while but then lose interest as his ministry continues? Or will we be dedicated to him, committing ourselves to his work and teachings and stay with him to the end?
Today is the beginning of the Lenten journey. Today is the day that we take time to reflect on our lives... perhaps within the framework of the journey ahead... and wonder how far we will actually be able to go.
What do we need to do in order to prepare for such a long journey? 40 days (plus the Sundays) between now and Easter... are we ready for that?
Will we need to make some changes, some adjustments to the way we live in order to endure? Will we need to leave some things (or some ones) behind in order to make it through? And although many of us have read/heard the story before... this year it will be different.. because we are different. Are we ready?
So regardless of how you have observed this Lenten season in the past... regardless if you begin with ashes on your forehead or if you eat Filet o' Fish on Fridays... or if you've never walked this path before... you are in for a treat. Because this long, hard journey begins for you... and for the rest of us... together.
Take some time today to make your preparations and then let the journey begin.
I think you will be surprised at how far you will be able to go... with Jesus as your guide... your community as your companions... and God giving you the strength to endure. Let's begin.
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