In my early 20's I found the interior of the local gay clubs to be life-changing, a sacred place in fact. Perhaps I didn't have the words at the time, but what I experienced when entering the clubs was a sense of peace. I was free to be the man God had created me to be and I was safe from the harsh world outside the doors that sought to marginalize (or harm) me and others like me.
The clubs of my youth provided a rare sense of freedom and safety not found in other places. Sadly, that is no longer the case.
With more and more information being shared following the mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, a shockwave is rippling across our nation and around the world.
Those that up until this weekend had sought the same sense of freedom and shelter within the walls of gay clubs are now carrying something within them, especially if they choose to enter the clubs again.
It is the same fear that now fills our schools, our churches, our places of employment...a fear that has been felt in far too many homes and neighborhoods. It is a fear for our safety and the safety of those we love.
This shooting, the deadliest in our nation's history, adds exponentially to that fear.
At the time of writing this, 50 people are dead, many others are injured .
50 people have been gunned down... in a place where just moments before they were enjoying the freedom and the safety that such a club provided, with the beat of the music in sync with the beat of their hearts.
And in an instant, one man's decision silenced those beats.
Now an immediate response to this tragedy is of course to join our hearts in praying for those affected. Praying for their families and friends. Praying for the city of Orlando. Praying for the LGBTQ community. The Latino community. The Muslim community. Our nation. All affected by this devastating event.
But seriously... no matter how strong our faith may be, no matter what power we attribute to prayer... it is not enough. Yes, we must do as Paul wrote to the Thessalonians... we must PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. But it is not enough.
We must speak out!
We must stand up!
We must bring an end to the violence!
Let's stop talking about gun legislation and instead actually do something about it!
Let's stop being afraid of our neighbors, our gay neighbors, our trans neighbors, our Muslim, Jewish, mentally ill, drug addicted, chronically unemployed, homeless neighbors.
Jesus was not afraid! Why are we?
We cannot give in to the fear!
Yes, it is ever-present. I carry it within me.
I have it within me many times when I am out in public with my husband and our children.
I have it within me many times when I step into the pulpit of our Open and Affirming church.
I have it within me many times when I live out my faith and speak the truth of the Gospel.
But it does not stop me! It will not stop me! And it should not stop you either!
Now, more than ever it is clear that our world is in desperate need of peacemakers... Gospel-living, kingdom-bringing, justice-seeking peacemakers that are determined in our work and ministry to bring about the change that will keep our families and our friends safe no matter where they are.
The feeling I had when I entered those clubs many years ago is the same feeling that I have now when I trust in my faith and God's work in my life. It is the same feeling I have when I focus on what it is that Jesus has taught us and how he served as a model for us all in how we are to live.
I feel safe in my faith.
I feel free to live, trusting that God is ever-present with me.
But I also feel the nudge, stronger than before, to be a voice against the violence, against the injustice, against the absolute craziness in our world that would allow someone to gun down 50 strangers.
Spend the necessary time in prayer... and then make a choice to do something.
Our voices must be strong! They must be heard!
Far too many lives depend on it!
Here are a few organizations doing great work to bring about change. Consider getting involved with them.
Two vigils have been planned for this week.
Tuesday, June 14 - 6pm
Roger Williams National Memorial
282 North Main Street
Wednesday, June 15 - 8:30pm
Rose Larisa Memorial Park
701 Bullocks Point Avenue
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