Friday, July 5, 2019

I Pledge My Allegiance...

I’ve appreciated this image for some time.

Painted on the pages of a Christian bible, the stars and stripes almost blot out one of the vital moments in Jesus’ story. If you look close enough, you can still make it out...

“Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged.”

The image speaks to me of the unhealthy connection drawn by so many between the Christian faith and patriotism. And how some people’s patriotism takes precedence over, and at times blots out, the absolute truth given us in Christ’s Gospel...that when the Empire is corrupt, to speak against it will be at least unpopular, at most deadly.

Many of the modern-day institutions we’ve created represent the Empire against which Jesus spoke and organized.

The movement of Jesus-followers then and now is given clear directives as to what institutions/systems warrant respect and well as which ones do not.

We are asked to consider:

Does that which we support embody unconditional love of neighbor?
Does it seek to do no harm?
Does the institution we celebrate provide and promote freedom for all?
   Freedom from oppression?
   Freedom from discrimination?
   Freedom from injustice?

If we answer “no” to even one of these questions we must reconsider our alliance, our allegiance and speak out for change.

And yes, it’s risky.
It’s unpopular.
It’s dangerous.

And, it’s necessary.

On this day, the day when those in our nation are invited to celebrate freedom... I recognize our right to express freely that which we believe and to support freely that to which we pledge allegiance.

And I exercise that right to say that as long as the US Empire continues to deny justice to our neighbors...
as long as it seeks to cause more harm than good...
as long as racism, xenophobia, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, classism exists...
as long as the loudest voices continue to spread fear and hatred instead of love and justice...

I will work for change.
I will speak out against the Empire.
I will engage in difficult (respectful) dialogues to ensure that the truth is not blotted out.

And I’m sure I’ll pay the price for it.

Yet I’d rather be mocked for doing what is right than standing silent and letting evil prevail.

I’m pretty clear as to where I pledge my allegiance. How about you?

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