Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I could multitask myself to death...

I've been thinking about my post yesterday and what I may do in my days/weeks/months to make a difference, to allow for more time to simply be...

While reflecting on that, I was checking my Facebook page, working on a sewing project and watching some TED videos ( surprisingly, I didn't sew my finger to the fabric.

I obviously wasn't making any headway in the attempt to slow down.

And then...this TED video pops up, and it's about multitasking...well, actually it's about NOT multitasking, and instead inviting me to think about MONO-tasking.

The speaker, Paolo Cardini shows a variety of smart phone covers to assist us in the "slowing down" that I spoke of yesterday.  I'll link the video at the end of this post so that you can see it too.

So that has me thinking.  I've been on vacation for the last week and spent a bit of that time visiting family for the holiday which involved some traveling, a lot of over-eating and at my father's house...watching several outdated, cheesy Christmas "made-for-television" movies.  (all of which he had seen at least ten times before and would occasionally just shut the tv off before the ending...well, he already knew how it ended so why bother watching it?).

The rest of my time off has been at home and I find myself finding "projects" to work on.  I did some organizing of my office/sewing room, I cleaned out the garage (don't tell Peter, it's a surprise!), I finished a quilt I had started at Thanksgiving, made some wine coasters (I'll give the link to our Etsy page too so you can see them) and now I'm working on another stole for a friend of mine.  Sure, I took some time in there to eat, take care of my personal hygiene, did some grocery shopping but found myself spending very little time just plopped on the couch, watching least much less time doing that than I had anticipated.

Why can't I just shut down?  Why can't I simply release myself from the list of "projects" that I must be doing?

In reality, I think it is because the projects are things I enjoy.  I love having an organized space to work in (however, don't look at my office at the church right is in some definite need of organization).  I love my new hobby...sewing and quilting.  It is a true joy in part that I can make something with my hands that others will enjoy...and the cash I receive for some of them is nice too!

So I guess I am at least doing some of what I had suggested yesterday...I'm finding time to create, to do things for others.  It's a start.  Now I just need to take these things on one-at-a-time.

I spoke of beginning a new journey and invited you all to join me.  Happily, several of you accepted the invitation right away.  So...what are you doing to be that better person?  What have you done in the past 24 hours that is an indication that the goal of being a better person/spouse/parent/child/neighbor/earthling is obtainable?

I'd love to hear from your comments on Facebook, here on the Blog or on Twitter.  Let's keep's much for fun to journey with others.

Oh yeah, here's the links I mentioned above:

Paolo Cardini: Forget multitasking, try monotasking

Our Etsy Shop (more specifically, the new wine glass coaster/charms):

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